Check Raw Data


Liang Zhang


May 7, 2022

Here we check raw data from several special tasks. Especially check the factors influencing reliability, internal consistency of each task

Forward Word Span (过目不忘)

targets::tar_load(data_valid_FWSPro, store = here::here("preproc/_targets"))
chrs_freq <- read_tsv("CharFreq.txt", skip = 5)
chrs_used <- readxl::read_excel("过目不忘-汉字库.xlsx") |>
  left_join(chrs_freq, by = "汉字")
data_adj_acc <- data_valid_FWSPro |>
  unnest(raw_parsed) |>
  group_by(user_id, game_time) |>
  mutate(trial = row_number()) |>
  ungroup() |>
      c(stim, resp),
      pattern = "-"
  ) |>
  unnest(c(stim, resp)) |>
    select(chrs_used, stim = 汉字, stim_id = ID, stim_freq = 序列号),
    by = "stim"
  ) |>
    select(chrs_used, resp = 汉字, resp_id = ID),
    by = "resp"
  ) |>
  separate(stim_id, c("stim_phon", "stim_form"), convert = TRUE) |>
  separate(resp_id, c("resp_phon", "resp_form"), convert = TRUE) |>
    acc = case_when(
      stim == resp ~ "正确",
      stim_phon == resp_phon ~ "同音字",
      stim_phon != resp_phon ~ "错误"
data_adj_acc |>
  group_by(stim, stim_phon, stim_freq, acc) |>
  summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop_last") |>
  mutate(prop = n / sum(n)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  ggplot(aes(stim, prop, fill = acc)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    aes(label = scales::label_percent(accuracy = 1)(prop)),
    position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5),
    color = "white"
  ) +
    aes(label = stim_freq),
    y = 0
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Accent") +
  facet_wrap(~ stim_phon, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) +
  labs(x = "", y = "", fill = "") +
  # scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  ggthemes::theme_hc() +
    axis.text.x = element_text(family = "SimHei"),
    legend.text = element_text(family = "SimHei")

Schulte Grid (舒尔特方格)

targets::tar_load(data_valid_SchulteMed, store = here::here("preproc/_targets"))
rt_by_resp <- data_valid_SchulteMed |>
    raw_parsed = map(
      ~ . |> mutate(resp = as.integer(resp))
  ) |>
  unnest(raw_parsed) |>
  group_by(user_id, game_time) |>
  mutate(resp_adj = ifelse(acc == 0, NA, resp)) |>
  fill(resp_adj, .direction = "up") |>
  ungroup() |>
  drop_na() |>
  group_by(user_id, game_version, game_time, resp_adj) |>
  summarise(rt = sum(rt) / 1000, .groups = "drop") |>
  filter(rt < 300)
rt_by_resp |>
  ggplot(aes(resp_adj, rt, color = game_version)) +
  geom_point(shape = ".") +
  geom_smooth() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Response Time (s)", color = "Version") +

Reasoning (推理类题目)

targets::tar_load(data_valid_DRA, store = here::here("preproc/_targets"))
data_valid_DRA |>
  filter(course_name == "清华大学认知实验D") |>
  unnest(raw_parsed) |>
  mutate(item = as.numeric(as_factor(itemid))) |>
  # group_by(item) |>
  # filter(between(mean(acc == 1), 0.6, 0.9)) |>
  # ungroup() |>
  filter(acc != -1) |>
    id_cols = user_id,
    names_from = item,
    values_from = acc
  ) |>

NeuroRacer (小狗回家)

data_racer_new <- targets::tar_read(
  store = here::here("preproc/_targets")
) |> 
  tidyr::unnest(raw_parsed) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(block = paste0("V", block)) |> 
  dplyr::filter(block != "V0")
data_racer_new |> 
  dplyr::group_by(user_id, block) |> 
    mean_score = sum(escortscore * trialdur) / sum(trialdur),
    .groups = "drop"
  ) |> 
    id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, 
    values_from = mean_score
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(-user_id) |> 

Reliability analysis   
Call: psych::alpha(x = dplyr::select(tidyr::pivot_wider(dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(data_racer_new, 
    user_id, block), mean_score = sum(escortscore * trialdur)/sum(trialdur), 
    .groups = "drop"), id_cols = user_id, names_from = block, 
    values_from = mean_score), -user_id))

  raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N   ase mean    sd median_r
      0.85      0.85     0.8      0.66 5.7 0.045 0.84 0.043     0.62

    95% confidence boundaries 
         lower alpha upper
Feldt     0.73  0.85  0.92
Duhachek  0.76  0.85  0.94

 Reliability if an item is dropped:
   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se var.r med.r
V2      0.75      0.76    0.61      0.61 3.2    0.084    NA  0.61
V3      0.77      0.77    0.62      0.62 3.3    0.081    NA  0.62
V1      0.84      0.85    0.73      0.73 5.5    0.054    NA  0.73

 Item statistics 
    n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean    sd
V2 33  0.91  0.89  0.83   0.76 0.84 0.045
V3 33  0.90  0.89  0.82   0.75 0.85 0.055
V1 30  0.83  0.85  0.71   0.66 0.83 0.045
data_racer_new |> 
  dplyr::group_by(user_id, block) |> 
    ~ preproc.iquizoo::cpt(.x)
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, 
    values_from = dprime
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(-user_id) |> 

Reliability analysis   
Call: psych::alpha(x = dplyr::select(tidyr::pivot_wider(dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::group_modify(dplyr::group_by(data_racer_new, 
    user_id, block), ~preproc.iquizoo::cpt(.x))), id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, values_from = dprime), -user_id))

  raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N  ase mean   sd median_r
      0.52      0.53    0.45      0.27 1.1 0.15  2.3 0.55     0.23

    95% confidence boundaries 
         lower alpha upper
Feldt     0.14  0.52  0.75
Duhachek  0.23  0.52  0.81

 Reliability if an item is dropped:
   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N alpha se var.r med.r
V2      0.37      0.38    0.23      0.23 0.60     0.22    NA  0.23
V3      0.27      0.27    0.15      0.15 0.36     0.25    NA  0.15
V1      0.59      0.60    0.42      0.42 1.48     0.14    NA  0.42

 Item statistics 
    n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
V2 33  0.77  0.73  0.53   0.36  2.4 0.82
V3 33  0.75  0.77  0.60   0.44  2.3 0.69
V1 30  0.64  0.64  0.31   0.22  2.1 0.78
data_racer_old <- targets::tar_read(
  store = here::here("preproc/_targets")
) |> 
  dplyr::filter(game_version == "1.0.0") |> 
  tidyr::unnest(raw_parsed) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(block = paste0("V", block))
data_racer_old |> 
  dplyr::group_by(user_id, block) |> 
    mean_score = sum(produr * trialdur) / sum(trialdur),
    .groups = "drop"
  ) |> 
    id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, 
    values_from = mean_score
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(-user_id) |> 

Reliability analysis   
Call: psych::alpha(x = dplyr::select(tidyr::pivot_wider(dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(data_racer_old, 
    user_id, block), mean_score = sum(produr * trialdur)/sum(trialdur), 
    .groups = "drop"), id_cols = user_id, names_from = block, 
    values_from = mean_score), -user_id))

  raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r  S/N   ase mean sd median_r
     0.098      0.13    0.11     0.028 0.14 0.073  221 80    0.018

    95% confidence boundaries 
         lower alpha upper
Feldt    -0.06   0.1  0.24
Duhachek -0.05   0.1  0.24

 Reliability if an item is dropped:
   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r   S/N alpha se   var.r    med.r
V1     0.162     0.161   0.130     0.046 0.192    0.072 0.00177  0.03686
V2     0.075     0.099   0.079     0.027 0.110    0.077 0.00132  0.01817
V3     0.079     0.106   0.085     0.029 0.118    0.076 0.00137  0.01817
V4     0.028     0.039   0.031     0.010 0.041    0.079 0.00055  0.00446
V5     0.073     0.104   0.087     0.028 0.116    0.076 0.00278 -0.00002

 Item statistics 
     n raw.r std.r  r.cor r.drop mean  sd
V1 363  0.62  0.43 0.0067 0.0036  310 246
V2 363  0.38  0.47 0.1675 0.0486  197 132
V3 363  0.39  0.47 0.1501 0.0430  192 141
V4 363  0.47  0.52 0.3053 0.0882  200 158
V5 363  0.43  0.47 0.1460 0.0482  205 155
data_racer_old |> 
  dplyr::group_by(user_id, block) |> 
    ~ preproc.iquizoo::cpt(.x)
  dplyr::ungroup() |> 
    id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, 
    values_from = dprime
  ) |> 
  dplyr::select(-user_id) |> 

Reliability analysis   
Call: psych::alpha(x = dplyr::select(tidyr::pivot_wider(dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::group_modify(dplyr::group_by(data_racer_old, 
    user_id, block), ~preproc.iquizoo::cpt(.x))), id_cols = user_id, 
    names_from = block, values_from = dprime), -user_id))

  raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N  ase mean  sd median_r
      0.76      0.76    0.72      0.39 3.2 0.02  2.2 0.6     0.41

    95% confidence boundaries 
         lower alpha upper
Feldt     0.72  0.76   0.8
Duhachek  0.72  0.76   0.8

 Reliability if an item is dropped:
   raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N alpha se  var.r med.r
V1      0.73      0.73    0.67      0.40 2.7    0.023 0.0010  0.42
V2      0.70      0.70    0.64      0.37 2.3    0.026 0.0037  0.38
V3      0.71      0.71    0.66      0.38 2.4    0.025 0.0053  0.39
V4      0.72      0.72    0.67      0.39 2.6    0.024 0.0036  0.41
V5      0.72      0.72    0.67      0.39 2.6    0.024 0.0035  0.41

 Item statistics 
     n raw.r std.r r.cor r.drop mean   sd
V1 363  0.70  0.69  0.57   0.49  1.6 0.88
V2 363  0.76  0.75  0.66   0.58  2.2 0.91
V3 363  0.73  0.73  0.63   0.55  2.4 0.83
V4 363  0.69  0.70  0.59   0.51  2.4 0.80
V5 363  0.68  0.70  0.59   0.51  2.5 0.76